The future of energy storage for sports businesses

An innovative thermal battery for storing sustainably generated energy, providing maximum comfort and safety, ensuring a delightful warm shower for your customers even during peak times.

NEStore® heat battery

Maximize solar panel usage, reduce heat loss, and high hot water costs

NEStore® is an innovative thermal battery for storing sustainably generated energy. Achieve maximum efficiency from solar panel installations and reduce heat loss and high hot water costs.

Store self-generated solar power

Maximize efficiency from solar panel installations for ultimate comfort with high capacity.

Cost reduction thanks to thermal energy storage

Reduce high hot water costs, heat loss, and maintenance costs with innovative vacuum insulation. NEStore® prevents lime buildup and minimizes heat loss.

Don't let anything stand in the way of expanding your sports business

The congested electricity grid is not a limiting factor for the growth and expansion of your sports business with NEStore®, allowing you to stay within the current grid connection.

Store heat and only use it only when you need it

During periods with abundant sun and wind, store sustainable energy in NEStore®. This heat is stored for later use when this green energy is not available from the grid.

20-30 kWh

Store thermal energy

NEStore® has a large storage capacity, capable of storing 20 - 30 kWh of thermal energy. Suitable for sports facilities or sports clubs with sustainable goals.

Innovative insulation developed for real impact

Technology developed in TNO laboratories

Patented insulation technique

Fully utilizing recyclable materials produced in the EU

Easy installation, 7-year warranty on insulation

The installation of NEStore® is straightforward and carried out professionally by your own installer or one selected by us.

The operation of NEStore® is monitored remotely. Regular maintenance is not necessary and will only be scheduled if deemed necessary. We guarantee 7 years of warranty on the insulation.
Discover the difference

Experience the difference with other solutions

NEStore®, due to its operation at high temperatures and thinner insulation, has more power (kW) available than a solar boiler or heat pump boiler of the same size. As a result, you can store up to 8 times more energy and increase comfort. This means more hot water, longer showers, or simply no more cold showers. Discover the difference for yourself now.

Circular, long-lasting, and 100% safe to use

30 years

NEStore® is fully circular, with an exceptionally long lifespan and no degradation of storage capacity. Above all, NEStore® is fire-safe.

1% heat loss per day

110 degrees

A maximum temperature of 110 degrees in the NEStore® tank, with only 1% heat loss.

up to 8x more capacity thanks to smart technology

up to 8x

In comparison to a heat pump boiler of the same size, NEStore® has up to 8x more capacity.

These innovators trust NEStore®

That we are enthusiastic may not surprise you.Hear what our pioneers say and judge for yourself!

"At the fire department at Schiphol, showers are taken multiple times daily; we are very pleased with our gas-free solution!"


Brandweer Schiphol

"We switched to NEStore because we were exporting a lot of solar power, which felt like a waste. Now our athletes shower sustainably using our own solar power."


Unknown Group sportclub

“As a livestock farm, we use large amounts of hot water daily for various business processes. Since we installed a series of NEStores, our solar park is finally being fully utilized. The NEStores ensure that the sustainably generated electricity is efficiently converted into heat and stored, providing us with a constant supply of hot water without energy loss.”



“Previously, my own generated solar power went away into the grid and I got noting in return, thanks to the NEStore, I convert this unused power into valuable hot water.”

Fam. Den Dungen

"I use less gas and now store the energy from my solar panels in the NEStore”

Fam. Stoetzer

“The installation went very smoothy and successfully. It is well worth the investment.”

Fam. Smit

Curious if NEStore® is for you? Lets check!

Demand for NEStore® is high! That's positive, but it also means we prioritize finding the best match. Interested to see if your project aligns with NEStore®? Lets check!