Newton Energy Solutions is on a mission. Discover the story behind NEStore®

Newton Energy Solutions contributes to the energy transition and fights against energy poverty by developing affordable energy storage solutions that are applicable to a wide audience.

Our mission towards renewable energy​

Every day more and more solar panels and windmills are installed to help us to quickly move away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. However, more renewable energy often leads to more issues with power grid stability. We cannot go on like this.

This hurts our economy, climate and health. We need to be much more independent of the power grid and be able to use our own energy.

Why don’t we do it already? Simply because electrical batteries or fuel cells are very expensive and ultimately not very sustainable. NEStore on the other hand is the most affordable thermal energy storage on the market uses only stainless steel and water to provide you with the independence you need.

Investors we're proud to have onboard

Core values

Our core values: striving together for Energy Storage for Everyone

We are proud of what we stand for and what we do. These core values are the foundation of our work.

We make it as simple as possbile. Better less than more and better easy than difficult.
We are full of energy, it is the source of our power and drives us forward in our mission. Our enthusiasm is contagious. We are positive and have an optimistic view of the future.
We communicate honest & fair and are open in our communication, even if it isn't easy. Honest and transparent without sugar-coating. This is the only way we can really help people make the transition.

Network partners we're proud of

The story behind the development of NEStore

From the founders...

Pavol, Martin, and Laurens founded Newton Energy Solutions (NES) to revolutionize energy storage and drive a sustainable future.

Pavol, a technologist, realized that to achieve a truly sustainable society, it was necessary to translate research into practical solutions, focusing on energy storage to unlock the potential of renewable sources. Martin, after years in early-stage research, was inspired by Bill Gates’ vision and aimed to make energy storage as ubiquitous as home computers. Laurens, an innovator with a background in aerospace engineering, turned his expertise to sustainable energy technologies after experiencing the inefficiencies of existing systems.

Together, they developed the NEStore, a thermal battery with minimal energy loss and high storage density, determined to bring this groundbreaking product to market. Their combined efforts are transforming the energy landscape, making sustainable transformation a reality.

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Development partners we're proud of

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Are you ready to contribute to sustainable heat storage?

The team at Newton Energy Solutions is constantly looking for new talents to truly make a difference. Interested in working with us? Get in touch.